Disrespect for us, can directly be of our own making when we do not realize the power of controlled access.

Even the nicest of people are NOT immune to exhibiting the “see finish” syndrome.

Do not be quick to think that it is advantageous humility to unveil your every element (strong or weak) to people. The number of minds who can handle access to constant exposure to your personal matters as a privilege without abusing it or taking you for granted are a very few. Save some mystery

So pause sometimes to see if the value placed on you by others has decreased only because you have increased your level of exposure.

The economic principle that scarcity creates demand works like magic on human relationships. Be it romantic or platonic.

So please learn when to stop being available. When to go MIA. When to turn down offers and when to take a self imposed retreat.

With balance, do not mistake this for being an island or being arrogant. Self esteem, sometimes, may be all you have got and must be protected at all cost.
Loosing respect? Look inwards. You might be the problem. Fix it.