The 2015 Guber Race is set. Candidates are trooping out en mass, loads of Strategies… Some tilted towards making Impact while some just want to be privileged shareholders of the National Cake.

Jimi Agbaje, a Lagos State governorship aspirant under the umbrella of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP is not left out in the race to proofing excellence in leadership come 2015.

There have been seasons of Tom, that of Dickson, probably now is time for the ‘Halima’ in the world of Tom…Dick and Harry as individuals are placed on the height to prove their competence under the umbrella of various parties.

This however, cannot overshadow the fact once again that one candidate, Jimi Agjaje whose name keeps resounding in the heads of the transformation driven Lagosians even after his ruthless disengagement as a result of god-fatherism years back is at it again.

He’s bounced back. This time around: bigger, better and more visionaring under the aieges of the People’s Democratic party (PDP).

Agbaje who left the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria in 2007, had been offered the position of deputy governor, followed by that of a senator, but rejected both posts.

“I do not seek power for myself but for service. The PDP is my last bus stop. My back is to the wall. It is forward ever, backward never”, he said recently at an interactive session with PDP youths and women leaders representing the 57 councils of the state.

Lagos state in line with latest reports estimate the population at 21 million, making Lagos the largest city in Africa.

A state as this, definitely doesn’t need just a leader but a listener that would not concentrate on building the Lagos of the elites but concentrate on the interest of the Masses – the Average Lagosian! Not neglecting development.

Over and Over, Agbaje has presented himself as the sellable candidate that enjoys wide popularity among Lagosians and match any candidate fielded by APC action for action.

No wonder, a PDP cheftain, Olufemi Williams during an interview with Daily Independent recently noted  in his words saying, “Let us not deceive ourselves. I believe Agbaje is the man with the needed requisite to win Lagos for us.

“He is still as popular as he was seven years ago when vied for the governorship slot and we all know he could have won if our election had been free and fair,” Williams said.

This was even before Agbaje made a decision on the party to fly under. A clear indications that testimonies about his ability and capability has flown ahead of him, wetting the ground even before he sowed.

The Veteran who possess experience with over 3 decades as a practising pharmacist also as a well regarded national issues commentator also points to the fact that Health and Education is less of a problem for people of the State.

It wouldn’t be an over-talk if one tag Agbaje’s personality as ‘Smart Political Aspirant with an Upright Moral’ due to his undying spirit of Oratory.

Even as everyone desire for change, positive Change which must be emphasised. A Change in political leader for Lagosians is envisaged and envisaged with all delight as people look out for this man who would pull them out as their respite.

The candidate who would place his ruled as priority and dedicate his service to them.

Lagosians await the full assumption of Jimi Agbaje as the Leader they’ve always longed for come 2015.