As the intending 2024 Hajj pilgrims gathered for lectures and prayers at the Kosofe Local Government Secretariat, controversy has erupted over the potential misuse of local government funds. Barrister Moyosore Ogunlewe, who hosted the event, encouraged the pilgrims to purify themselves and pray for the country. He also urged them to be good ambassadors for Kosofe, Lagos State, and Nigeria during their journey.

However, not everyone in the community is pleased with the arrangements of using public  funds to send individuals on holy pilgrimages. A resident, with the name Moschino, raised concerns about the possible funding of Hajj pilgrims with local government subvention and allocation. This resident expressed doubt over the legitimacy of using such funds for religious pilgrimages, given the current financial constraints of the local government.

“I hope the council management isn’t sponsoring some Hajj pilgrims with the meagre LG subvention and allocation. I want to believe that era is gone with the wind. I’m just thinking out loud, no pun intended,” the resident remarked.

These allegations have cast a shadow over the event, sparking debates about the ethical use of public funds and the priorities of the local government Chairman. Critics argue that such expenditures could be better allocated to pressing local issues rather than subsidizing personal religious journeys.

Despite the criticisms, Barr. Ogunlewe emphasized the spiritual significance of the pilgrimage and offered prayers for the pilgrims.

“Be good ambassadors for our local government, Kosofe,” he stated.