There is an adage which says no matter how white the sky may be, there will always be a black spot. It also went further to say that irrespective of how majestic you are in walking, the head will still shake.

This can be likened to what Princess Kikelomo Abass; wife of Professor Ademola Abass, Special Adviser to Governor Akinwunmi Ambode on Overseas Affairs & Investment is currently passing through in her marriage.

Kikelomo who is fondly called ‘Kiki’ by her colleagues and loved ones can simply be described as a woman of substance and great reputation before she married Professor Ademola Abass .In a society where everything is hostile to human development and in particular, womenfolk, Princess Kikelomo has been able to carve a niche for herself.

Kikelomo who is the Managing Director of Z-EDGE Limited in Lagos, has successfully spearheaded several projects, which include management of “MTN Football Scholar” program for young talented Nigerian boys for four years and key aspects of MTN Nigeria’s Leadership Programme for Entrepreneurs and SMEs.

She helped to grow retail businesses for Nigeria’s top banks and was instrumental to the increased capacity of staff at Lagos Internal Revenue Service. She contributed to the successful launch of training and leadership programme for Lagos Signage and Advertising Agency.

It is apt to note that Princess Kikelomo was one of the brains behind the launch and management of the Great Places To Work Nigeria (GPTW) maiden Best Companies to work for in Nigeria Brand and Awards in 2012 among several others.

Kikelomo graduated from Igbinedion University and proceeded to Kingston University, London, to obtain her Master’s degree and currently pursuing another MBA in South Wales University, London. While she was actively practising journalism, she was the lead Correspondent at Africa Independent Television, before she moved to Silverbird Television.

In 2018, she obtained A Senior Management Programme – SMP Certificate at – Lagos Business School, February – September 2016, Center for Management Development – CMD Certification, June 2016, Leadership Training in Dubai, March 2015 AND Training on ownership culture in Las Vegas, USA, July 2016.

Despite all these achievements and many more, Princess Kikelomo did not fail to perform her responsibilities as a respectable wife and mother. News has it she looks after the wellbeing of her husband’s career and children.

Some people described her as a prayer warrior despite her sophisticated looks. Well it’s said that ‘what is good and bad needs prayer’ She did not for once let all her achievements change her good character.

She was a symbol of humility , pure heart and a type every responsible man prays to have as wife and mother of his children.

She is very attentive, submissive, beautiful , hardworking and respective, but the only problem she had to contend with is the promiscuous nature of her husband, in the person of Professor Ademola Abass – Who we all know is NOT Best friend of Governor Akinwumi Ambode but another cabinet member who happens to be Special Adviser on Overseas Affairs and Investment did well by inviting him to return to Nigeria to work for him.

Professor Abass who was said to boast at every occasion that he can get any woman he wants and he has proven that with different ladies he has slept with which by all records we gathered are 5 women in a short period of 3years with his second wife, but his wife we gathered know of 4 women, but let’s keep the last one to our selves for now. And Professor Abass who says nobody can call him to order whatever he does in Lagos State, has not only failed to perform his responsibilities as the head of the house and his duties at work. That was why he removed the investment from him because of too much distractions knowing he always wants to have a taste of every woman that cross his way.

It was gathered he uses wealth and influence to lure the women or wanting to render help to the women in case they reject his offer.

Sources who are privy to the happenings within the Abass’ stormy marriage disclosed that despite Princess Kikelomo’s wealth and achievements before she met Professor is willing to count her loses and hid to peoples advices to let go now knowing her parents and great influences in the industry never agreed to her marrying Professor Abass in the first place.

It’s no news that governors, great capital of industries asked for her hand in marriage before she met Professor Abass but turned them down to face her career because she didn’t want to face another deceit from any man.

She is an home maker and extremely kind to all that comes her way she was described,which is very difficult to find among ladies these days.

According to a source, “Initially when she complained about the promiscuous nature of her husband, I was like ‘leave him alone now’, but when we reasoned together and realized that if he contacted any sexually transmitted infection, he can easily pass it to his wife. Every time she confronts her husband on his promiscuous life he says to her what your eye is looking for you will see and women knowing to use their tongue as power her husband beat her up and dared her to go and report to Lagos State Government Domestic Violence Agency, adding that nothing is going to come out of it.

“There was a time she told Professor Abass not to be taking his concubine to their building site, but Professor replied with beating that he will do anything he likes even when the wife has contributed to the building financially and she furnished the house.

There was a time Princess Kikelomo was pregnant with their second child and not too long after she underwent a surgery she was also beaten that She had to call some of the Commissioners in Lagos State who are close to them to intervene and after he paid for medical he bragged that she can do anything and nothing will happen.

“Some people say Princess Kike is a jealous type, but if she is a jealous type she won’t be married to Professor who already had a child nor be praying or be seeking for his success because we gathered her only faults in this marriage is loving PROF too much after all he has put Princess Kikelomo through.

Another source who is close to the family stated that one day Princess Kike was forced to confront the second married girls her husband was having an affair with, whom he brought to their matrimonial home when she travelled out of the country for surgery.

“Professor took the married girl outside the country on official assignment at the expense of Lagos State . The lady in question also attended a function Professor organized on the 12th of December last year where Princess Kikelomo confronted her to stay clear of her husband since she later met her after unveiling the affair though denied but after Princess Abass showed evidences to people , Professor Abass confessed to many it is true he had not only had affair with the lady at TVC who used to be on a breakfast show but also with the married girl that hosted Lagos global on TV for his office, sources disclosed. Begged the wife but the promiscuous life never left him and has continued to affect his home and office.

Effort to salvage the relationship has been on blink as Princess Kikelomo has given up on him and remain adamant to continue the marriage with him as the embarrassment and heartache is too much so she’s doesn’t lose her life knowing the marriage has affected her health and cost her unnecessary embarrassment.