Barrister Fatimat Bintu Akerele-Shobaloju was born in Lagos on the 6th November, 1982 to Pa & Mrs. Shobaloju.
She had her earlier education at Muslim Mission, Primary School and Muslim College, Oworoshoki.
She proceeded to the prestigious Lagos State University for her degree in Law and thereafter to Nigeria Law School for her professional qualification as a lawyer and registered counsel with Supreme Court.
As someone born to a political family of Pa Shobaloju, she had her political tutelage from the cradle, which built sense of community/society development consciousness in her.
Barr. Shobaloju joined forces with her colleagues from Muslim college Oworoshoki in Kosofe Local Government Area to give back to the society through her alumni, to contribute to the development of the school in which children of the Community/LGA will benefit. Spotting the leadership quality in her she was made her the Welfare Officer of her set and the Public Relation officer of the national body of the alumni.
In furtherance of her desire to pay back to the society as expressed her mission, she set up her private chamber rather than seeking for employment and went further to found an NGO Bintu Child’s Right Initiative to offer services for the most vulnerable members of the society, Women and Children.
Barr. Bintu hereby offer herself to be given opportunity to join force with other like minds in collaboration with executive of Lagos State headed by the Governor to promote Policies and Programmes for the betterment of Lagosians with focus on the residents of the Kosofe Constituency 1.
As we know that the major role of legislature is making laws for the betterment of the society, she will lobby other colleagues in making laws that will help in the development of the society with focus on;

*Provision of infrastructural Development Projects, Programmes and Policies that will help in the development of Small, Medium Scale Business Enterprises, the bedrock of society development.

*Ensure support for the Artisans with Training that will help in the reposition their businesses for better return.

*Provide access to cheap fund for the development of their business.

*Provide opportunities for the resident of the constituency especially the youth for us to have secure tomorrow with opportunities by ensuring that job opportunities available within the State and the Nation, be it Public Service & Corporations, Military, Para-Military, International are fairly shared without denying the constituency her own share.

*Scholarship opportunities for the constituency.

*Will lobby government and private business organizations in the state helped in the development of our science base education with donation upgrading of our school laboratories and libraries to ensure better performance of our children in national and international examination.

*The general saying that health is wealth will be given attention by ensuring that our primary health facilities are the developed so as to ensure access to quality health service and reduce the high cost of accessing quality health travelling to tertiary health facilities in the state.

*The widows as one of the vulnerable members of the society will be protected will legal services by my NGO when needed while given them access to opportunities to better their condition such as scholarship and training for the children and cheap fund for their business.

*Lobby location of institution that will generate employment for the Youths, Women and Elders of the constituency.