In the heart of Kosofe, tensions are brewing as residents voice their discontent with the performance of their local government chairman, Barrister Moyosore Ogunlewe. What began as murmurs of dissatisfaction has escalated into a full-fledged debate, with community members taking to social media to air their grievances and exchange heated words.

Hassan Dauda, a prominent figure within the community, didn’t hold back in his criticism of Barrister Moyo’s leadership. Accusing the chairman of failing to secure victory for the party in the last presidential election, Dauda called for change and suggested that bringing in the new hands could lead to tangible improvements.

Echoing similar sentiments, Diamond World Services, representing the Oworoshoki community, lamented the lack of impactful initiatives under Barrister Moyo’s tenure. They highlighted the disparity between Kosofe’s development and neighboring areas, citing the Mayoress of Ikosi-Isheri as an example of proactive leadership.

However, not everyone is in agreement. Oloye Salami, a staunch supporter of Barrister Moyo, defended the chairman against what he deemed as baseless accusations. He emphasized his unwavering loyalty to the party and refuted claims of being influenced by personal interests.

In a heated exchange, another resident accused Oloye Salami of being on the chairman’s payroll, questioning his integrity and credibility as a community developer. The resident warned Oloye Salami against criticizing other public office holders who never took his bidding, threatening to expose him further if he persisted.

As the community grapples with internal divisions, the upcoming election looms large, serving as a litmus test for Barrister Moyo’s leadership and the unity of Kosofe residents. With differing opinions and mounting tensions, the path forward remains uncertain, leaving the community in a state of flux as they navigate the complexities of local politics.