Hon. Ganiyu Babatunde Okanlawon Sanni, the honourable representing Kosofe Constituency 1 at the Lagos State House of Assembly, has put a halt to all plans concerning his birthday celebration. OKLA, as he is popularly called by political associates, stated that the increase in cases of Covid-19 in Lagos and the global scene is the major reason for the cancellation of his March 28 birthday. In a statement personally signed by the honourable House of Assembly member, he noted that the
country, being in a grievous moment due to the Covid-19, he would rather not make people converge, in order to further compliment the works of the federal and state governments in countering the spread of the deadly pandemic.
“My Heart Hemorrhages
Thousands of humans globally are dying of covid-19 pandemic.
Our Country Nigeria is experiencing grief occasioned by the pestilence, the pandemic and of course, the lethal scourge.
My dear state Lagos had unfortunately recorded a loss of life and being ravaged daily by this human devastation called Corona virus.
Infact we’re presently grief-stricken given the daily increase in the numbers of victims.
The mood of my country,  my state, my constituency(Kosofe 1) resonates Sobriety, Pains and pangs, anguish and distress.
Fears and Uncertainties beclouds and pervades the space. It is indeed a hard and trying time.
In view of the foregoing therefore and with love and profound display of obedience to GOVERNMENT DIRECTIVES, I sincerely wish to inform my family, friends, wellwishers, Party members and all my constituents of my decision to call off this year’s BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Not even a LOW KEY but a NO NO KEY. It is for our common and collective good.
Your expression of love, felicitation through the social media platforms,  phone calls and through SMS’s would suffice, be good enough and fine by me.
I thank you all believing that you’ll  understand and reason along with me.
With due respect and loving intent and for the common interest of all, I am constrained to say that I will neither welcome any visitor nor accept any cakes or gifts .
I enjoin us all to maintain precautionary measures  like social distancing, washing of the hands properly, hand sanitizing, avoid mingling with the crowd, obey the stay at home directive of the govt. If you feel unwell seek medical attention. Avoid ice or cold drinks instead, go for hot or warm ones.
Emi wa ase pupo odun laiye o. A o ni se aisan o.
Long live Nigeria
Long live Lagos state
Long live Kosofe Constituency 1″