-Lekan Lawal


Monday afternoon, many saw Supervisors and Special Advisers of Ikosi-Isheri LCDA sang praises of the council Chairman, Princess Samiat Abolanle Bada, for being thoughtful to provide official cars to them, in order to ease their transportation exigencies, while efficiently discharging their duties.

The Mayoress, as the Council Chairman is popularly called, presented 14 official vehicles to the Chief of Staff, Supervisors of different ministries and Special Advisers in Ikosi-Isheri LCDA. She stated that it is a statutory requirement for cabinet members to receive cars, to efficiently carry out their roles as appointed cabinet members.

Bada noted that the official cars will enhance workflow of aides while also cushioning the effects of transportation due to the fuel subsidy removal, “Each of them can give a lift to other members of staff, who lives in their respective communities”, she said.

The Council Chairman congratulated the Supervisors and Special Advisers for their hard work and support, since the commencement of her administration. She also promised to make available vehicles for other cabinet members, who deserve official vehicles, as enshrined in the constitution.

Reacting to the car gifts, a beneficiary and Supervisor for Environment, Honourable Kehinde Fatoki, commended the Council Chairman for her thoughtfulness and also charged her not to relent on the developmental strides which she has commenced in Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, since the beginning of the administration. Fatoki further thanked the Mayoress for always having the interest of her aides at heart.

Supervisor for Works, Akintunde Idowu Solomon, expressed his appreciation towards Chairman for her generous gesture.

The Special Adviser on Special Duties, Hon. Oshoffa Olayemi Rosemary, also expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the Chairman on the official presentation of the car gifts, to Larosh and the 13 other cabinet members the Executive Chairman is a the symbol of leadership.

Hon. Oshoffa Olayemi Rosemary conveyed her admiration for the Mayoress, “the car gift shows her committed leadership structure, this would aid the council aides to discharge their duties seamlessly”, she commented.

The Special Adviser for Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation (WAPA), Abiola Azeez, expressed her appreciation to the Executive Chairman, haven kept to her promise. “Her heart is truly where her community is”, she said.