In a move that has stirred excitement among some APC loyalists in Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, Hashim Olawale Ibrahim popularly known and addressed as Alburruj has officially announced his intention to contest in the upcoming 2025 council elections.
With a track record of unwavering dedication to the party’s principles and values, Ibrahim’s candidacy is poised to energize the political landscape of the LCDA.

Ibrahim’s decision to enter the race comes as no surprise to those familiar with his long-standing commitment to the APC. As a staunch advocate for community development and good governance, he has tirelessly championed initiatives aimed at improving the welfare of residents and uplifting the socio-economic status of the LCDA.

Having served in various capacities within the party structure, Ibrahim brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of the people of the Ikosi-Isheri people. His grassroots connections and ability to mobilize support make him a formidable contender in the upcoming elections.

In his declaration speech, Ibrahim highlighted his vision for the LCDA, emphasizing the importance of inclusive governance, infrastructural development, youth empowerment, and effective service delivery. He pledged to work tirelessly to address the pressing challenges facing the community and to ensure that the aspirations of all residents are heard and addressed.

As Ibrahim embarks on his campaign journey, he has called on APC faithfuls and residents of Ikosi-Isheri to rally behind his candidacy and support his quest to bring positive change to the LCDA. With his candidacy, Ibrahim aims to usher in a new era of progress and prosperity for Ikosi-Isheri, firmly rooted in the principles of the APC and the collective aspirations of its people.

As the 2025 council elections draw nearer, all eyes will be on Hashim Olawale Ibrahim and his vision for the future of Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, as he seeks to earn the trust and mandate of the people to lead them to greater heights.