Recently, while renovation was going on at Maidan primary School, Mile 12, a group of hoodlums stormed the scene, they were able to find their way into the premises through the fence and before pouncing on the workers, they were said to have buried a ‘fetish’ object behind one of the blocks. We contacted the School head teacher, Mrs Akinkunmi about the attack, this is what she has to say…

What can you saying about the Juju that was buried in the School?

The School is under renovation and we have some people working in the compound, so it was on Monday 4th of May that one of the workers here told us that 4hefty men came to the back of the School and buried a fetish object, immediately I went to the Baale and I called the Parents Forum chairman (PF) whom I was told he was on admission then, I reached out to all the executives and they came. Then Baale called upon the chief Imam of Ilorin to send people from Ilorin. Two Imams came from Ilorin to come and verify what happened, they exhumed the object and they brought a big black tied bag. We took the picture and reported the case to our LGA and they said we should write to SUBEB which we did. The next day, we were told this people came again, climbed up the stairs to meet the workers and they were disguised with charms on their waists, they told the workers that they buried the sum of N40,000 there and that is what they have come to collect. The people told them that they heard that it was not money and it has been exhumed, that it was fetish charms that was found inside, they promised they were coming back to collect the money, I don’t know whom they’re planning to collect it from. They came back again, and it was then that we shouted and called Baale again, ran to the LGA again and seek for the aid of the parents together with the HOS, the parents’ executives came…

Did anything happen to anybody in the School?
Nothing happened to anybody, just that the staff and children of the School became very scared because of this incident.