The Council Chairman of Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, Princess Samiat Abolanle Bada, and other stakeholders in the area have endorsed Hon. Dayo Bush-Alebiosu to represent Kosofe federal constituency in the House of Representatives.

Bada made this know to newsmen shortly after the town hall meeting held at the APC Ikosi-Isheri LCDA secretariat. Kosofe federal constituency comprises three councils; Kosofe Local Government, Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, and Agboyi Ketu LCDA.

While speaking, Bada said she believes Dayo Bush is one of the most experienced lawmakers in the country, and such is what Kosofe needs this time around. She frowned at the quality of representation the constituency is getting at the moment from Abuja.

Another leader of the party, Mrs. Lucy Ajayi also reiterated the need to return Dayo Bush to the House of Reps. In her words, she said; “Anytime I am in Abuja, people ask me why we did not return Dayo, even Senators ask why we failed to allow him to represent us again, but I usually don’t have anything to say, but I regretted we did not return him.

“I am therefore pleading with the people of Ikosi-Isheri, particularly my people in Mile 12, that we must not make that error this time around, we must vote en-masse as we used to for Dayo Bush at the primary, that is the only one that can guarantee us quality representation.” She said.

While responding, Dayo Bush praised the mammoth crowd for coming to welcome him to the town hall meeting, he urged them to shun violence and work in unity for the success of the party. He also affirmed that he is one of the best legislators in the country.