As the world celebrates International Workers’ Day, Honorable Joseph Oluwanifemi Jolaopa Opabola takes a moment to honor and extol the dedication and resilience of workers in Agboyi-Ketu LCDA and Kosofe LG in general.

In a heartfelt message, Honorable Opabola acknowledges the invaluable contributions of workers from all sectors, recognizing their tireless efforts in driving economic growth, fostering innovation, and building vibrant communities.

“Today, we pay tribute to the backbone of our society – the hardworking men, women and youth whose unwavering commitment fuels the engine of progress,” says Honorable Opabola. “From the factory floor to the office cubicle, from the fields to the hospitals, workers play a pivotal role in shaping our collective future.”

“On this May Day, I commit myself to the cause of workers’ rights, social justice, and fair labor practices,” he declares. “Together, let us strive to create a future where every worker is valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.”

In conclusion, Honorable Opabola extends his heartfelt gratitude to workers of Agboyi-Ketu LCDA, expressing admiration for their unwavering dedication, resilience, and contributions to society. “To all workers, I salute you,” he declares. “Your hard work, dedication, and sacrifices will not go unrewarded. May you continue to inspire us all with your passion, commitment, and unwavering resolve.”

“As the world commemorates International Workers’ Day, I stand in solidarity with workers of Agboyi-Ketu LCDA, honoring their invaluable contributions and steadfast commitment to building a better community”, he concluded.