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The demise of Hon. Tunde Braimoh a.k.a Big Daddy created a vacuum in the state House of Assembly for Kosofe Constituency 2.It is very sad that we lost Big Daddy but it is also important that we settle for a worthy successor to him, to continue the good work, representation so that governance can be beneficial to the people at the grassroots.

 The political developments in the past few weeks in this Constituency, necessitate a search for a credible candidate to succeed our late lawmaker. lt is clear that the people of Kosofe Constituency II are

aspiring to vote in someone who will bring better governance with positive impacts and good representation devoid of bondage of sectional politics to them. They are eager to rally round a great community influencer and grassroots politician, who is determined to bring governance closer to them with community development projects and true representation.

 The people of Kosofe Constituency 2 need not look further nor search far. lt is a common knowledge and popular believe in Kosofe Constituency 2 that the man of the people, a party loyalist, a grassroot politician with humility, popularity, personality and an incomparable philanthropist, Hon. Samuel Olanrewaju Adebayo is bighearted enough to  succeed Big Daddy. No wonder he came second to Late Hon. Tunde Braimoh in the last primary election.


Hon. Samuel Olanrewaju Adebayo (S.O.A) aka Big Larry is an lT professional, the founder and president of Succour For Health and Education Foundation that has, and still continue to provide empowerment to thousands of less privileged children, youths and the aged ones within and across Kosofe by providing financial, material and healthcare succour. His intervention programmes in time of hardship (Economics meltdown, COVID-19 pandemic lockdown etc ) are far-reaching while many students are on his scholarship programme. All of these come from his hard-earned money outside politics. Still, he promises to do more and more.


Big Larry is a progressive minded grassroot politician whose wealth of knowledge about politics and community development both locally and overseas is an asset to us in Kosofe Consistency 2. His loyalty to the party before, during and after the last general elections is unshakable. He has never been charged or accused of any corrupt practices. No wonder many youth groups, communities and politicians are clamouring for him.


Hon. Samuel Adebayo’s profile, prospects and ambition are already being embraced by youth, religious and traditional leaders in the communities while big-wigs within the party favour him as their candidate. The people of Kosofe cannot afford to trade his candidacy in the next bye-election as they are ready to vote him in massively.