Hon Folashade Akinpelu
COuncillor Ward A, Ikosi-Isheri LCDA

Wednesday August 20, 2014, during the first tenure of late Ikosi-Isheri LCDA chairman, Alhaji Abdulfatai Ayodele Oyesanya, was the time an impeachment move was made between the legislative and the executive arm of government.
Thursday, May 8, 2020, another impeachment saga occurred at the same LCDA. At about 2pm on

Thursday afternoon, the Chief Press Secretary of Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, Ayo Idowu, published a press release stating the impeachment of Hon Folashade Akinpelu, councilor representing Isheri, Olowo-Ira and Magodo ward, who until yesterday was the Deputy Leader of the legislative arm of the council. It is not enough to break the news unsubstantiated, while we stood by to find out the reasons behind her impeachment, agitations, bants and all forms of name calling was said to have ensued on the Ikosi-Isheri WhatsApp platform.

Our research through the documents available at our disposal unveiled that Hon. Folashade Akinpelu was charged for gross misconduct and insubordination, before leading to passage of a vote of no confidence. We made efforts to reaching out to Hon Folashade Akinpelu, but she only read and wasn’t responding to calls and messages sent to her phones. Her god-mother, Mrs Abbey Martins, was also contacted, she never responded to our messages, same thing with Hon. Adebola Olalekan popularly known as Adlek, who also promised to return our calls as he was hooked up, and up till the time of filing this report, he never did.
The Resolution of the Legislative Council
According to another document, it was on record that while the plenary session of the legislative arm was on, the motion to impeach Akinpelu was moved, considering that a petition was submitted earlier, and same motion was seconded by another councilor, but no objection or counter motion was raised by the impeached or her supporter(s) in the legislative chamber. Akinpelu didn’t take into cognizance that a motion not contested on the floor of a legislative arm will be recorded as being passed by the clerk of the house. Our findings revealed that instead of the impeached councilor to counter the motion raised by her counterpart in the legislative chambers, she reached to protect the mace. The honourable councillor simply played into the hands of members who didn’t vote in her favour by her exit, hoping to find a solution to a legislative issue outside the legislative chambers.
We reliably gathered that Hon. Folashade Akinpelu who disgruntledly left the chambers with her supporters made their way to the house of a leader of their political party. After the calm, unknown to the aggrieved members, the house reconvened and proceedings was said to have continued, motion was passed, signed by the leader of the house, Hon Usman Akanni and the clerk of the house.
The petition signed by 4 councillors

We are reliably informed that the Hon councillor has sought the intervention of the state house of assembly, Alausa. Our view is, until normalcy is restored within the legislative arm of Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, the executive Chairman, Princess Samiat cannot function, which means the entire LCDA will end up in chaos.