In a heartfelt proclamation resonating with the spirit of service and benefit of the community, the Chief Whip of the 6th Kosofe Legislative Assembly, Hon. Ibraheem Bakare Olawale has officially declared his candidacy for the esteemed position of Chairman of Kosofe Local Government.

Driven by a profound dedication to the welfare of the people and a vision for inclusive governance, IBO’s decision to step forward embodies a commitment to fostering positive change and progress within the Kosofe community.

Throughout his illustrious career, Hon. Olawale has consistently demonstrated a steadfast commitment to public service, earning the trust and respect of the community through his unwavering advocacy for their needs and concerns. His unparalleled record of leadership, integrity, and compassion positions him as an exemplary candidate poised to lead Kosofe into a prosperous future.

Speaking on his candidacy, Hon. Olawale expressed profound gratitude for the unwavering support of the community, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and unity in realizing shared goals. He underscored his vision for Kosofe, rooted in principles of accountability, transparency, and empowerment, which will serve as guiding beacons throughout his campaign and tenure in office.

In his exact words, he said “l am motivated by my commitment to administering a free, fair and responsive governance that serves wholly the interest of the good people of Kosofe.”

As Hon. Bakare embarks on this journey, he remains steadfast in his commitment to amplifying the voices of the people, championing their interests, and implementing initiatives that will uplift and empower every resident of Kosofe.

With a comprehensive manifesto poised for release in the coming days, Hon. Ibraheem Bakare Olawale invites the community to join him on this transformative journey, as together, they pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous Kosofe.