… pleads for rancour, violence free party primaries 


In preparation for the forthcoming Local Government and Local Council Development Area Elections in Lagos State, the Minister of State for Health, Dr. Olorunimbe Mamora, convened a Stakeholders meeting for political leaders and aspirants in Kosofe local government.

The meeting which was held strictly in compliance with Covid-19 Protocols and guidelines held at Dora Hall, CMD Shangisha, Lagos on Saturday, May 15, 2021.

In attendance were 15 chairmanship aspirants and other major stakeholders across the 3 LG/LCDA.

In his opening remarks, Mamora urged APC Stakeholders to work together as a team in order to restore the old shining glory of Kosofe, which used to be one of the leading LGs in Lagos state election results.

He further explained that the purpose of the meeting was to build a consensus and reduce acrimony among the chairmanship aspirants, ditto party faithfuls.

“I don’t have any interest. My interest is good Governance”, Dr. Mamora stated, he further implored attendees of the meeting to try as much as possible to eschew violence and avoid playing politics of calumny, in order not to create enmity within the party.

The honorable minister noted that stakeholders engagement would continue, while efforts would be made to adopt consensus candidates, and where choosing consensus candidates fail, a violent free primary exercise shall be settled for.

The following communique was later adopted as follows; working towards the possibility of having consensus candidates, having a violent free and fair primary election, while they continue to have similar engagements/meetings.