In a heartfelt continuation of his commitment to the welfare of senior citizens, Mayor Dele Oshinowo, Chairman of Agboyi-Ketu LCDA has extended the highly regarded House to House Senior Care Outreach program to the historic town of Agboyi. This initiative, which aims to provide essential support and companionship to elderly residents, has now reached even more members of the community.

Under this compassionate program, each elderly recipient in Agboyi was honored with a significant gesture of N50,000 in cash accompanied by a generous 25kg bag of rice. These provisions were delivered directly to their homes, ensuring they received not only financial support but also a symbol of care and respect from the local government.

Mayor Oshinowo’s dedication to the well-being of senior citizens reflects a deep-seated commitment to fostering a community where every individual, regardless of age, is valued and supported. By extending the outreach to Agboyi, he aims to ensure that elderly residents across the LCDA are able to live with dignity and comfort, even in the face of challenges.

“This initiative is more than just providing material support,” Mayor Oshinowo remarked. “It’s about recognizing the contributions and value of our senior citizens, who have shaped our community through their wisdom and experience.”

The House to House Senior Care Outreach program, which began several weeks ago and occurs 3-4 times a week, has already made a significant impact on the lives of elderly residents in Agboyi-Ketu LCDA. Mayor Oshinowo’s leadership continues to inspire a sense of solidarity and compassion among community members, reinforcing the LCDA’s commitment to inclusive and caring governance.

As the program expands, Mayor Oshinowo and his team remain dedicated to ensuring that no elderly resident is left behind. The administration collaborates closely with local stakeholders, including the Community Development Committee (CDC), landlord associations, and market leaders, to identify and support those most in need.

Through sustained efforts and a clear vision for community well-being, Mayor Oshinowo’s administration is setting a commendable example of proactive and compassionate governance in Agboyi-Ketu LCDA.