Agboyi-Ketu LCDA Chairman, Mayor Oladele Oshinowo has once again demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the welfare of Agboyi-Ketu’s senior citizens. During his latest visit, the mayor conducted a house-to-house senior care outreach, distributing bags of food and cash prizes to ensure the elderly members of the community are well-cared for and appreciated.

Mayor Oshinowo’s visit is part of his ongoing efforts to uplift and support the most vulnerable members of society. Known for his dedication to community service, the mayor has made it a priority to regularly engage with and provide for senior citizens, recognizing their invaluable contributions to the community over the years.

The house-to-house visits saw the Council Chairman personally checking in on the wellbeing of senior citizens, offering them cash and raw food items to ease their burdens and enhance their livelihood. Oshinowo’s genuine concern and direct interaction with the elderly created an atmosphere of warmth and connection.

During the outreach, Mayor Oshinowo expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the elders of Agboyi-Ketu, stating: “These visits are crucial as they allow us to connect with our senior citizens, ensuring that they are not left alone or forgotten. Their wisdom and experiences are invaluable to our community, and we remain committed to supporting them every step of the way. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our cherished elderly residents.”

The response from the community was overwhelmingly positive. Many senior citizens shared their appreciation and joy, highlighting how much the support means to them. The event not only provided essential supplies but also fostered a sense of belonging and community spirit.

Mayor Oshinowo reaffirmed his commitment to continue supporting the senior citizens of Agboyi-Ketu and announced plans for more initiatives aimed at improving their quality of life. The mayor’s ongoing efforts are a testament to his dedication to fostering a caring and inclusive community.

Mayor Dele Oshinowo’s house-to-house senior care outreach in Agboyi-Ketu underscores the importance of compassion and community support. By providing food and financial assistance, the mayor has once again shown his dedication to enhancing the lives of the elderly and ensuring they are valued members of the society. The Agboyi-Ketu community is fortunate to have a leader who prioritizes the welfare of all its residents, particularly those who need it most.