In a bid to alleviate the hardships faced by residents, the council Chairman of Iosi-Isheri LCDA, Princess Samiat Abolanle Bada, spearheaded the launch of the February 2024 edition of the Monthly Food Palliatives distribution. The event took place at the Senator Adebayo Osinowo Hall, located within the Ikosi-Isheri LCDA Secretariat, on February 21st, 2024.


Addressing a gathering of esteemed guests, including executive, legislative, and management members, as well as residents of the community, Princess Samiat Abolanle Bada emphasized the significance of the distribution program. She underscored that beyond its practical implications, the initiative symbolizes the LCDA’s steadfast commitment to the well-being of its populace.


Highlighting the administration’s proactive approach to community welfare, Princess Samiat noted that the distribution of food palliatives had been a regular endeavor even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. She expressed heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the event, acknowledging their selflessness and dedication.


As essential provisions, including rice, garri, and beans, were distributed to attendees, Princess Samiat urged residents to recognize the power of unity and solidarity within their community. She reassured them of the government’s understanding of their challenges and pledged ongoing efforts to find sustainable solutions.


Encouraging residents to extend support to one another during these trying times, Princess Samiat emphasized the importance of collective action in overcoming adversities. She concluded her address with a message of hope and resilience, expressing confidence in the community’s ability to weather any storm.


The event concluded on a positive note, with attendees inspired by Princess Samiat’s words and renewed in their commitment to supporting one another through solidarity and compassion.