The Executive Chairman of Kosofe Local Government, Hon. (Barr.) Moyosore Ogunlewe, has disclosed that he promised to make 2022 a better year for Kosofe residents. He made the declaration at the year 2022 budget retreat of the executive members of the council.

In a statement personally signed by Hon. Ogunlewe, he noted that they achieved a lot in the 6 months, and this he hopes to consolidate on.
Read statement below.

‘It gives me a great honour to be in your midst today for the presentation of the annual Budget Retreat, the maiden edition of this administration.

We have embarked on purposeful and developmental programmes in the past five pmonths whose purpose is to fulfil the responsibility of this Administration and its resolve to ensure that positive impact of government is felt by the people of Kosofe Local Government. P
The retreat is designed primarily to discuss, analyse and reflect on budget performances of last year and to also make in-depth projections into the Year 2022

This year retreat is expected to bring improvement on our achievements and as such, all hands must be on deck as we embark on another purposeful and laudable projects this year.

We thank God for all our achievements in the last 5 months and from the feedback we are receiving from the people testifying on our activities as having positive impact on them.

We have equally resolved to be more proactive in all areas of people’s needs as we make inroad into year 2022. Let me say without fear of contradiction that virtually all important sectors in our local government will receive attention and top priority will be accorded some key areas like;

1.Health Care delivery
We have done a lot in the area of health care services on our assumption of Office, the purpose is to pursue preventive and rehabilitative health care delivery. In due course we shall commission Oworonshoki Primary Health Care center we just built in collaboration with Access Bank Plc..
We shall in addition build more to ensure that our people enjoy first class Health care delivery

2 .Primary Education is a baby of Local government.
We shall ensure that primary Schools in Kosofe are given a facelift.We will supply all the necessary materials needed to make teaching and learning outcome more result oriented. The teachers are to be retrained to further update their teaching skills. We shall do this in collaboration with the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB). We shall liase with Education Secretary of kosofe to give us update on the state of our schools.

3. Road Construction
We have done well in the roads construction assignment so far. We shall intensify in this mission with greater intensity. We will touch other areas this year until no bad road is left behind.

This Administration must continue to move forward and bring on board innovative ideas and opinions because that was the reason why we on the saddle.We must be seen as promise keepers who runs government of inclusiveness, dedication and transparency.

Apart from what l have highlighted, l want to touch other equally important areas as well which we shall touch in the implementation of the fiscal policy in 2022, these are;

1. Street light projects,

. 2. Environmental Sanitation and strict enforcement of environmental laws
3.. Seminars for staff of the local government to be more productive.
4. Skill acquisitions and sporting activities for the youths,
5. Purchase of vehicles for Police and school children,
6. Construction of link Roads
7. Construction of E Library
8. Staff welfare
9 Strengthening of Revenue collection to expand our internal revenue.
10 Withdrawal of contractors who are not performing,
11. Issue of Associations will be looked into for more revenue generation,

12. Employment of auditing firm to reduce the issue of ghost workers,
13. Empowerment programmes for people and Care for our senior citizens including widows.

I need more of your comittment, dedication and cooperation. Despite all the challenges, we need to do more and it is necessary for us to note that Kosofe Local Government is not competing with any other Local Government Areas in the state. We soon design our yearly innovative programme that will be a cynosure of other Councils.

I thank all the participants and wish them a fruitful deliberation towards budget of Inclusiveness.

On this note, I hereby declare open Y2022 Budget Retreat’, he concluded.