The ExecutiveChairman of Kosofe Local Government, Barrister Moyo Ogunlewe, presented the budget for the year 2022 to the Legislative Chamber, on Wednesday.

Moyo presented a total sum of ₦2.9Billion to the Assembly, branded the 2022 Budget of all-inclusiveness.

“The breakdown of the budget which is set to encompass the will and needs of the people is as follow; N880,900,000 was assigned to Personnel Cost, Staff & Teachers Salary, N921,077,881.02 will be used for Overhead Cost while N1,022, 701, 754.30 is allocated for   Capital Expenditure, and N282, 644, 879.34 for Statutory Deductions

During the formal presentation of the budget, Barrister Moyo Ogunlewe said his administration is committed more than ever before to improve the living standards of the peopleby implementing people-oriented policies which are in line with theiraspirations, adding the budget was the first presentation since the inceptionof the new administration.

He thanked theLegislators for their cooperation, understanding, and support showed to hisadministration since assumption of office. Added,” It is worthy of notethat our modest achievement is attributed to the peaceful coexistence betweenthe Legislative and Executive Arm of Government.

“The year 2022 budget is tagged “Budget of all Inclusiveness” which implies that this administration is more committed to implementing projects and programmes that will have a meaningful impact on the life of the populace in such a way thatindividual, neighborhood, and community will be provided with necessary facilities, infrastructure, and conducive environment that will make them utilize their full potentials and capabilities with the removal of any form of hindrances to individual economic development as hope will be kept alive amongthe populace,”He said.

The Council Chairman highlighted 6 months in office achievements in Road and infrastructure, education,Health among other sectors.
Speaking at the presentation,Honourable Idowu Oluloro, the leader of the Kosofe Legislative Arm, passed avote of confidence on Mr Moyo for the achievements of his administration.

“The yearly presentation of budget before the council is in fulfillment with theconstitutional obligation as enshrined in the Constitution and practiced by theinstitution.  This is the first budget Presentation ceremony to take place in this Administration that proclaimed on27th of July, 2021.”

“Mr. Chairman Sir,the yearly ritual, as observed and backed by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is considered as an agreement between the government and the governed. Therefore, for a projectedbudget to be tagged” Budget of all-inclusiveness.

“Distinguish Honourable colleagues of the 7th Assembly, as part of our responsibilities as representatives of the people in our various Communities, It is important towork meticulously and full of optimism with the Chairman in achieving hisset goals, thereby meeting up with the electoral promises.

“Therefore, in preparation for this 2022 fiscal year, there’s a need for us all to look inwardon our internal generated Revenue and embrace modalities and technicalitiesthat our vibrant and performing Chairman has embarked on right from thethe inception of office to actualize the proposed budget.

“According to ‘Peter Duker’ effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked,but results’ Based on your achievements within 6 months in office, the adage has distinguished you as visionary Chairman but not a daydreamer.

“He assured the executive that after the cross of the T’s and dot of the I’s  in ensuring the budget is all-inclusive it will be passed without delay.