Yoruba actress, Mide Martins, has cleared the air over her marital crisis which was exposed on social media early last week.
The mother of two celebrated her birthday on April 12, while her husband, actor Afeez Abiodun, popularly known as Afeez Owo, celebrated his the following day, April 13.

While the actor put up a picture of his wife to celebrate with her on her birthday, the actress failed to reciprocate the gesture.
On Saturday, she reacted in a series of posts on Instagram, explaining that she did not move out of her matrimonial home; her husband did. She further alleged that he abandoned their children and others living with them.As a result, the actress’ fans were disappointed and queried her on why she refused to send him a birthday message or put up his picture while other actresses were doing so. One of her fans asked if she was not proud of her husband and also insinuated that she moved out of her matrimonial home.
She wrote, “First of all I want to correct the impression that I moved out of my husband’s house. I did not leave my house neither did I move out of his house. On the contrary, he was the one that moved out of the house! This happened about three months ago after we had a minor argument over the well-being of his children. He abandoned me with five children at home — his two children, two of our cousins that have been living with us for the past 10 years now and the house help.
“People who live close to the house and our family members can testify to this. I am still in the house that we have lived in together for four years now; he rented another apartment two weeks after he moved out. Presently, he’s now living in his new house, and has neglected his wife, kids and responsibilities. I tried to resolve this issue by informing some of our close relatives but all to no avail. I guess his mind was strongly made up and he must have his reasons for wanting to be a free man.”
Explaining why she did not return the gesture of posting his picture on her social media page, she wrote, “How can I celebrate a man that has abandoned me and his kids for over three months now without looking back and made it clear he wasn’t ready to get back to me? All he does is fool the world by uploading his children’s pictures, which have been on his phone for long and now pretending to be the best dad in the world. He hasn’t heard from these children or cared about their well-being for a long while now.”
The actress, who also hinted that her husband was after her life and career, also wrote, “My husband, why are you trying to destroy me? Why do you want to kill me? What will be your achievement? Why do you wish to destroy my career?”
Efforts to reach the actor proved abortive as all calls to his phones were not answered and text messages sent to his phone were not replied as of press time.
Before the crisis, the couple had lived together for over 13 years.