The candidate of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP vying for the House of Representatives seat, Mrs Florence Dacosta-Adepegba, has commended INEC on a good outing at the first attempt at the 2023 general elections. Florence Dacosta-Adepegba, spoke to members of the Kosofe League of Journalists, after casting her vote, in the Ajegunle area of Kosofe local government. Dacosta-Adepegba stressed that it’s the first time that the Kosofe populace have trooped out in their large numbers  to exercise their franchise as citizens of Nigeria. In her words, “ what I have gathered and from where I voted, it’s been peaceful. People really came out in en-masse, they really came out to exercise their franchise and people have been voting while the exercise is going on smoothly. But from the report I was able to gathered few minutes ago, there are some polling units where our(the PDP) agents were not allowed to work. We were alerted that there is a fight somewhere, the agent reached out to the security agencies to restore peace to the place.”

When asked about her expectations, Florence Dacosta said she trusts God and with the level of work done and the responses she is getting, her hopes are high that she will be declared winner of the House of Representatives seat of Kosofe Federal Constituency.