The Kosofe Local Government Chairman, Barrister Moyosore Ogunlewe has praised and appreciated children in the Kosofe Community to be of good conduct while shunning all vices that portray them in bad light.

Ogunlewe, in a statement personally signed, further implored the public to uphold and take child values seriously, while still showing compassion for children. The statement reads;

“I join all distinguished Nigerian, School Principals, teachers,Students and pupils to celebrate our children on this august event of children’s day celebration.

Dear Children, it would be worthy to note that this day is a special occasion marked out to specially celebrate and appreciate our children. Also, to imbibe and inculcate good morals, values, disciplines,cleanliness and above all sense of order into our children whom we all know are the future leaders of tomorrow.

This day being 27th of May 2022 has been specially mapped out to celebrate the good children all over the nation, hence, there is no duty more important than ensuring that the rights,welfare and the safety of our dear children are respected and protected.

Our Children have the inalienable rights to life, right to healthy living, right for proper care by parents and families, right to good education and right to special health care.

Oftentimes these children fall prey of abuse. Child abuse which includes physical and emotional abuse of a child that includes child neglect, child’s sexual abuse, child trafficking and every other ill attitudes meted on a child should be looked into by the different child Welfare’s agencies to help protect the interest and the safety of every child.

Therefore, we enjoin all the parents to always evaluate the parents-child relationship since the family is regarded as the first and the core agent of socialization of a child, and to make sure that every child does not suffer from any form of parental negligence as this would have an adverse effects on them both in mental and emotional stability as a child.

I therefore implore every parents and guardians, school principals as well as teachers to put all hands on deck to stand up for our children, to nurture, inculcate, impact, build and develop our child in the right and acceptable values and norms of our land in order to produce responsible and productive citizens and leaders of tomorrow, because the development of a country lies in the hands of a child and the foundation of the required knowledge, skills and attitudes are laid this impressionable period.

On behalf of the entire Kosofe Local Government Council, I conclude by conveying my warmest wishes on this children day occasion to all the children. Let us celebrate with joy and enjoy the gift of childhood.

Finally, Let us collaborate with and assist our children to perform every required responsibility of making a beautiful society and a better nation tomorrow.

Happy Children’s day celebrations!”

He concluded.