The Executive Chairman of Kosofe Local government, Barrister Moyo Ogunlewe has extolled the Kosofe local government chapter of The National Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE), at the 2022 Workers’ Forum held at the council on Tuesday 1st of March, 2022. Ogunlewe thanked the Prince Ade Orababa led NULGE for their cooperation in the last seven months.

In the same vein, the Chairman also congratulated and praised 15 retirees, whose send-off took place on the agenda of the same event on Tuesday. He thanked them for their contributions towards the council’s growth and development during their 35 years of service.

The Chairman also affirmed the his administration’s commitment to the  staff’s welfare, particularly in the area of professional capacity, saying, “Your welfare is a rule rather than an exception, it is a must, and the workers’ forum is an avenue for me as Chairman to learn about your requests and implement at least 70% of them.”

He further added that “we will harmonize with you make effort to pay your allowances on time, provide your needs, one at a time, and create a conducive working environment for all of you.”

He added,” this conducive environment is predicated on conflict management and resolutions. conflicts are part of human society, but the leadership entrusted with management of affairs must be able to douse the fire coming from conflict. ”

Alhaji Murtala Arole, the Council Manager, and Prince Ade Orababa, the Chairman of Nulge Governor’s Advisory Committee, both praised the Council Chairman for instantly increasing the staff’s welfare package, whilst still requesting for more. The Nulge chairman, Orababa made a long list of demand including a bus for civil servants. Responding to their requests, the chairman, Ogunlewe noted that just like Oliver Twist, civil servants will want more, he used the opportunity to mention how much they have done in seven months, though once the bus is ready, it will be handed over to them.

The council manager, Arole, issued a warning to government officials who divert council’s tax revenues, stating that he will not do cover up for staff members who are found wanting. ” The implication of diverting council’s funds into private pockets is automatic dismissal, which carries a seven-year sentence”, he said.

The Human Resource Officer of the council, Mrs Taiwo Odubeko noted that civil servants should be steadfast at work, absentees without leave, study leave authorisation, or actual medical documentation would no longer be tolerated among employees, she also backed up the council manager’s claim that punctuality is the soul of any business. She urged employees to cultivate the habit of resuming work early whenever day they want. “The duration for work is between 8am and 4pm, let’s imbibe the habit of getting to work early, this is part of your appraisal”, she said.

She also advised employees, among other things, to update their profiles and complete their job performance appraisals as soon as possible.

While making explanations on NULGE’s requests, Kosofe Chairman, who noted that his administration met the  local council in a distressed state, disclosed that he installed an  industrial borehole unit, electricity among other things.

He also stated that a new office building will be built to create a conducive working environment for the employees.

He further stated that the needs of the Kosofe residents, who are support during elections must also be prioritized, since a chunk of civil servants working in Kosofelive outside the local government.

One of the retirees, Mr. Abayomi Olaniyi of the Department of Environmental Sanitation congratulated the Council Chairman for the special send-off party and gifts on behalf of the retirees, who worked for the Local Government for 35 years of their lives.

“The best day of my life is today because I didn’t expect what is going on here today to be completed today, but it was, and I love it. I want to thank the Chairman of the Local Government for his support and activities, and I pray that God would continue to bless him in Jesus name” Abayomi, a retiree, stated.

He implored all those still serving in the council to follow the rules and regulations and avoid insubordination.