Ganiyu Oni, the Councillor representing ward B (Shangisha/Magodo) in the Ikosi Isheri LCDA political sphere, has vehemently refuted claims suggesting that he endorsed Mayoress Samiat Abolanle Bada under duress. Oni has asserted that he was not induced in any form in this endorsement and is unaware of any social media reports suggesting otherwise.

The recent controversy arose following purported reports circulating on social media platforms, alleging that Ganiyu Oni had endorsed Princess Samiat Bada against his will. However, Oni has come forward to dispel these claims, stating categorically that he had no knowledge of reports and that any assertions contrary to his endorsement of the council Chairman are baseless.

In his statement addressing the matter, Oni emphasized that his involvement in political activities is guided by principles of transparency, integrity, and personal conviction. He reiterated that he has not lent his support to any candidate under coercion and maintains his stand on endorsing the Ikosi-Isheri head honcho.

The refutation by Ganiyu Oni has sparked a renewed discussion within political circles, with many expressing solidarity with his stance and calling for a thorough investigation into the origins of the false claims.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Oni’s firm denial serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity and honesty in political discourse. It also underscores the need for responsible dissemination of information, particularly in the age of social media where misinformation can spread rapidly.

In light of Oni’s refutation, the focus now shifts towards clarifying the circumstances surrounding the alleged endorsements and ensuring that the truth prevails.

The development underscores the fluid nature of politics and the importance of discerning fact from fiction in a media landscape rife with misinformation. As the situation unfolds, stakeholders continue to monitor developments closely, with a keen interest in upholding the principles of transparency and accountability within the political sphere.