Residents of Oworonshoki are mobilizing to oppose plans by Ikeja Electric to reclassify the area from its current tariff band to Band A, which would significantly increase electricity costs.


The community argues that the higher rates associated with Band A are unsustainable for a predominantly residential area like Oworonshoki, and would lead to economic hardship for local households.


Organizers of the campaign against the tariff hike say they will not back down until Ikeja Electric reconsider the proposal.


“We will not accept this unfair tariff increase,” said a community leader. “We urge Ikeja Electric to consider the welfare of Oworonshoki residents and find alternative solutions.”


The controversy has sparked heated debates in the community, with many residents expressing concerns about the impact on their livelihoods.


Ikeja Electric has yet to respond to the community’s concerns, but residents vow to continue their fight against the planned tariff hike.