Mayor Dele Oshinowo
Chairman, Agboyi-Ketu LCDA 

A concerned resident of Kosofe Local government, Adeniyi Muyiwa Sirmayor has taken time to write an open letter to the Honourable Chairman of Agboyi-Ketu LCDA, Mr Dele Oshinowo whom he described as being nonchalant and lackadaisical as regards his response to several community outcry. Oshinowo should hear the cry of his subjects, he noted, Oyebanjo Solarin Street which the overflooded canal occasionally causes residents several losses. He said, Oshinowo when contacted had promised to instruct the council’s works ministry to look into the issue. Days have run into weeks, Oshinowo is yet to respond to the yearnings of these people, a similar case is that of the many roads which have craters and potholes all over the Demurin, Oriola-Bakare roads of Alapere, amongst others. Read the details of his letter below
Firstly, I want to commend the mature display and response of Agboyi-ketu LCDA (which happens to be my constituency) chairman towards one of my submission over his lackadaisical attitude towards the unimaginable and decaying state of some vital roads in that area.
I owe you the commendation, which I have given unto you Mr Chairman.
It will be recalled that I drew the attention of Mr Chairman to the unpleasant and dilapidated state of our roads. Which he assured of attending to as soon as we escape the rainy season that seems to be an obstacle towards such action. I still don’t know what is actually delaying the chairman. I hope he is not trying to make it the sole responsibility of the state government as he had earlier claimed on his response to my first post. Knowing fully well, that the state government is “handicapped” towards governance, due to their conspiracy act (that’s their own problem sha).
Mr chairman should note that the unit at which he is handling issues, he is the closest government to the people, through which they can to reach the state government, even if he wants to remain adamant to his claims. The roads are not “motor worthy”… They are getting worse daily. And the most annoying part is that, the motorist and “Okada” riders are now in a battle with the little portion meant for the pedestrians. This is so “undeserving” to the good people of Agboyi-ketu. While some people took it upon themselves to try in their own little way to fill some “pot holes” along “iso pako” (sawmill). But, the question is that, how far can they go with such good gesture?
In few days now, the council is set to embark on its usual “lack of transparency” monthly fitness walk. I implore Mr chairman to please include from “Alapere, Demurin and Oriola-Bakare roads” to their listed route for the walk. Let he (Mr chairman) and his supporter kindly help the good people of Agboyi-ketu to use their legs to help fill the “pot-holes”, as it seems the walk is very much essential to the roads thousands of people patronises daily.
What exactly is the responsibility of a responsive government?
Be that as it may, I will use this medium to appeal to our amiable chairman to please base his principle on the vital ideal of governance, which is “accountability and transparency”. He should please state out the budget of the so-called “monthly fitness walk“, both in the past, and the ones coming, hence. Let’s see a different person in you, Mr chairman.
Accountability and transparency is key in governance. We cannot just stomach what you give to us.
– Attend to our roads.
– Give us the budget of the monthly fitness walk.
– We crave for accountability and transparency in your governance.
Nothing more or less…
Best regards,