In a heartwarming display of global unity and appreciation, communities and organisations worldwide are coming together to celebrate the 88th birthday of Sheikh Muhammad Robiu Adebayo AbdulMalik, otherwise referred to as Baba Loworo, a beloved Islamic cleric whose teachings have touched countless lives.

From the bustling streets of Oworonshoki, Kosofe, Lagos to the tranquil villages of Nigeria and beyond, people from all walks of life are honoring Baba Loworo’s enduring legacy of compassion, wisdom, and service to humanity.

Born on April 2nd, 1936, in Ilorin, Nigeria, Baba Loworo embarked on a lifelong journey of Islamic and particularly the ‘Sufi’ spiritual exploration and enlightenment. Through his profound insights and unwavering commitment to spreading Islam, love and understanding of the Islamic religion, he has become a guiding light for individuals seeking purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

As Baba Loworo reaches this remarkable milestone, communities as well as Islamic organizations around the world are joining in the celebration with a myriad of heartfelt gestures. From organizing community service projects in his honor to hosting physical and virtual prayer gatherings and sharing personal anecdotes of his impact, people are expressing their gratitude and admiration for Baba Loworo’s profound influence.

Across continents, social media platforms are abuzz with tributes, messages of appreciation, and artwork dedicated to Baba Loworo, underscoring the global reach of his teachings and the depth of his impact on individuals of all backgrounds and across all religions.

As the world comes together to celebrate Baba Loworo at 88, it serves as a poignant reminder of the power of compassion, unity, and the universal values that bind us all. His life and teachings continue to inspire countless individuals across all religions to strive for a more harmonious and compassionate world, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of generations to come.