By Adenike Ashogbon-Fagbemi

For one who is passionate and possess an unassumingly humble personality as Lade Adeyemi, negative reports are the least that can weigh his zeal down in making a change and helping the masses and the Nation at large attain its peak in standard and landmarks. This, however, doesn’t mean the negative reports must be ignored.

In line with a negative report which was said about him on the popular online network, Nairaland to have sent several mails on various offers to job seekers, ‘Lade Adeyemi, a man of many parts, an author, a Philanthropist, a Professional Negotiation Expert and a Lover of his country has refuted these reports, saying, he has never at any point in time sent out an email to job seekers assuring them of opportunities.
For someone as Barrister Lade Adeyemi who has established a school, Translantic Negotiation School of Business, which is aimed at training unemployed graduates in business negotiation to stem the tide of unemployment in Nigeria, unproductive activities are one he sure would not want to get himself into as a professional.
Contrary to this report, ‘Lade Adeyemi as a brand is one with an outstanding personality, extremely passionate about making an impact in his society, at the same time, one who is passionte about adding his quota to move the society to the next level which has been envisaged over time.
Having been trained by the best business and law schools in the world, the Harvard University and MIT Sloan School of Management, ‘Lade today is priviledged to train over 100,000 professionals across countries in 6 continents amongst whom includes lawyers, Magistrates, Medical Practitioners, students to mention but a few. 
‘Lade as a brand and one with undiluted stand in upholding morals frown at this act of image denting and implore youths to get busy rather than get themselves involved in this immoral act on the internet, thus, stabbing people’s image on the internet space.
“Youths need to get busy and involved in productive acts that would being food on their table and also help better their future and the future of the generations ahead,” Lade said.