Residents of Oduntan and Anibaba streets find themselves deprived of the essential resource of water, despite promises made during the 2023 election campaigns. The borehole water project initiated by Alhaja Kafilat Ogbara, the All Progressives Congress candidate for the lower chambers of the National Assembly, remains locked and unutilized, causing frustration among the residents.

The project, initially intended to bring relief and improve living conditions in the community, has languished for ten months without use. What was expected to be a swift implementation of a water supply solution has turned into a symbol of dashed hopes for the residents.

During the election campaigns, Alhaja Kafilat Ogbara garnered support by promising a borehole water project for the community. The residents, hopeful for immediate positive change, voted in significant numbers, securing her victory. However, the anticipated relief has been marred by unnecessary delays, as the politician insisted on a formal commissioning process before allowing the community to access the water.

Madam Anike, an elderly resident of Oduntan street, expressed the negative impact of the delayed water project. Homeowners who had initially made water available for the community have now closed their gates, redirecting residents to the promised borehole. The frustration is palpable as the locked water source continues to be a source of inconvenience for the community.

Mrs. Kehinde Phillips, another resident, voiced her disappointment, calling politicians “time wasters.” She lamented the unfulfilled promises and the apparent lack of urgency in addressing the basic needs of the community. The completed water project, still uncommissioned, serves as a painful reminder of the political points scored during the election campaign.

An anonymous woman echoed the sentiment of dashed hopes, emphasizing the struggle residents now face in obtaining water. She questioned the commitment of the government representatives to improving lives and accused them of using the community for political publicity.

Efforts to obtain a response from Alhaja Kafilat Ogbara were unsuccessful, as her phone remained unreachable, and messages went unanswered. The lack of communication from the House of Representatives member adds to the frustration of the residents who had placed their trust in the promised water project.

As the community continues to grapple with the water crisis, questions linger about the responsibilities of elected officials in fulfilling their commitments and addressing the basic needs of the people they represent.