Before pursuing a political career, Gbade was a community crusader and the secretary to the Ajibola zone in 1999, Gbade was a well-known activist.

Now, Mr Gbadegoke Adekoya, a graduate of Philosophy from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, stands to become the legislative officer who would represent ward E at the Ikosi-Isheri LCDA parliament.

Gbade who was former ward E General Secretary, noted that the hardship in the country and subpar performance by people who are elected into public offices are part of the reasons he is contesting for the councillorship position.

Seen as urbane and in touch with his community, most of which are either underemployed or unemployed youths, Gbade has started to run his campaign crowded with formidable groups.

Gbade noted that apart from being a legislator, he would also partner with volunteers in the private sector to ameliorating the effect of the harsh economy through constant supply of welfare packages.
In an exclusive chat with Kosofe Inside-Out, Gbade narrates his legislative agenda, which he stated as being embedded in pragmatic approach as spelt out in his vision and mission.
Below is the details of Gbade’s vision and mission if elected into the legislative chambers of the Ikosi-Isheri LCDA;
“I will support to make bye laws that will improve the quality of life of my constituency.
I will promote unity among members of my constituency.
I will mobilize my constituency for community development projects.
I will liase and lobby the executive for social amenities and infrastructural development of my Ward.
I will create a platform where all major stakeholders within my ward can contribute thier quota in the policy formulation of the Government at the grassroot.(CDAs,CAN,League of Imams, Landlord associations, special people and the vibrant youth movements.
I will also propagate government policies and programs with a view of creating awareness on the direction of the policy of government.
I will maintain harmonious relationship with other arms of government with a view to ensure my ward is relevant in the scheme of projects distribution.
I will be a good ambassador of the people in all my endeavours.”