In a bid to alleviate the burden of hunger which has been aggravated nationally by COVID-19
pandemic and the resulting lockdown, The Stellar Initiative (TSI), a non-profit based in Lagos,
introduced “Give and Take”, a relief package that aims to feed over 2000 people from low to no-
income earning families.

In a statement, TSI founder, Ms Precious Eniayekan, expresses that “The extent to which hunger has
impacted negatively on women, nursing mothers, teenage single mums, widows, men and children
during this lockdown cannot be over-emphasized. This burden is felt more intensely by majority of
the national population, which unfortunately falls in the low or no-income category. Give and Take is
a commitment to ensuring that these categories of people, who cannot afford a lockdown in the
face of hunger, can in some way be taken care of.”
So far, the initiative has reached families in Ojodu, Ifako-Ijaiye, Agege, Yaba and Oshodi local
governments in Lagos, as well as Showo and Shote communities in Ogun state. Over 2000 families
have been fed in these areas, it’s been funded by the Stellar initiative, individual donations , family
and friends.

Ms Precious Eniayekan recounts, “The excitement on the faces of the beneficiaries has been the
most resounding theme throughout the outreaches. The major concern on the hearts of the people
is how they will feed their families during and after the lockdown. The need to educate them about
the pandemic is also important, as most of them displayed ignorance about COVID-19; some could
not even pronounce the virus, while others consider it all a farce. We need to do our best to ensure
they are protected against the debilitating effects of the outbreak and that is what The Stellar
Initiative has been trying to do.”

She goes on to say, “We are encouraging those who have a measure of affluence to help lighten the
effect of the lockdown by providing cash gift and food stuff to families in the target communities.
We are our brothers’ keepers and we rise by lifting others.”