Bye-election becomes necessary in Kosofe constituency II, in order to bridge the lacuna in government, as caused by the sudden death of the late honourable member representing Kosofe constituency  II, at the Lagos State House of Assembly, Barrister Olatunde Braimoh, who served a year of his second tenure in that capacity. Until death, he was chairman committee on security, information and strategy.

Barely a few days after Hon. Braimoh’s demise, candidates have started emerging, some of which the late member would look down from heaven and be proud to have succeeded him.
One of the aspirants who battled with Braimoh at the APC primaries, Samuel Olanrewaju Adebayo,

popularly called SOA, came out as the party’s first runner up. SOA, has since not been resting on his oars.

Being the first runner up in the All Progressive Congress primaries, Adebayo stands a huge chance to fill the vacant position at the Lagos State House of Assembly. Apart from being the second position at the primaries, Adebayo engaged in a lot of community intervention projects, especially during the hardship inflicted on the poor masses during the COVID-19 lockdown. He, despite not being in government, distributed food products, while he also gave outs financial aid to residents of Agboyi-Ketu LCDA and Ikosi-Isheri, at a cost running into several millions. SOA’s philanthropic and humanity nature towards his constituents cannot be over emphasized. We hope politicians can come to the rescue of their constituents this way, especially when election is not in sight.
Ibrahim Kehinde Oladega, an Awori indigene, and a Prince who originated from the Agboyi empire.
Ladega or Degababa, as fondly called by intimate friends and old friends, is a broadcast journalist whose job has aided his political influence on different fronts. He was Special adviser to the commissioner for information and strategy, Osun State before being transferred to Lagos to take the position of the media aide to the late Senator Bayo Osinowo, when he represented Kosofe constituency 1, at the Lagos State House of Assembly.
Ladega, who keyed into the ‘not too young to run’ act of the 8th National assembly is a case of youthful and useful to the Agboyi-Ketu LCDA. He has facilitated educational development initiatives, while advocating for infrastructural and human capital development of the people of his community. Ladega has commenced his consultancy amongst stakeholders of the Agboyi-Ketu LCDA, the latest which is his visit to the Oba of Ketu, HRM Oba Isiaka Adio Balogun.
Hon. Abiodun Akhigbe, the rejected nominee of the Lagos Audit Service Commission by the Lagos State House of Assembly, has also thrown his hat in the ring, to compete for his party’s ticket for the position of the vacancy Barrister Tunde Braimoh left unfilled at the Lagos lawmakers’ chamber, Alausa. Hon. Akhigbe hopes to join the members who have rejected his nomination as an audit board member, he hopes his rejection is just a blessing in disguise. Akhigbe, a presumed Senator Bayo Osinowo ally, is believed to run the structure and affairs of the All Progressives Congress alongside Lagos East leader, Pa Oyedele, in Agboyi-Ketu LCDA.

Apart from the 3 major contestants, Kosofe Inside-Out gathered that some other members of the All Progressives Congress are still doing due consultation amongst party leaders and stakeholders, in order to get their support. Kosofe Inside-Out would keep the community posted on happenings in this regard.