Once upon a time, there was a town. Thousands of inspired, capable and responsible citizens were working hard to make it into a beautiful city.

They were unaware of a defective nuclear reactor bang in the middle of the city at the mayor’s palace.

One day it exploded without any notice leaving the city in ruins and destroying the lives of many of its citizens.

This scenario is a testimony to what is happening in kosofe constituency presently.

Immediately after the passing away of the lawmaker Hon. Tunde Braimoh, House Chairman Committee on information, strategy and security, the party has made it a Call of Duty to appoint another candidate on the seat through a Bye election.

In a twinkle of an eye, numerous people have showed interest to replace the Honourable. Among them were Former Lagos Audit board Commission; member, Abiodun Akhigbe, Samuel olarenwaju Adebayo, Omoba Adeyinka Oyediran, Ex- SLG to Agboyi ketu Lcda, Hon. Gbenga Osobu among others.

Beyond all reasonable doubt, it’s glaring that since the beginning of social dynamism, provisions have been structured to recognize and reward those whose performances affected mankind and changed communities and even humanity for good.

Unfortunately, there is a vast number of these remarkable men and women who have carved a niche for themselves through personal and official interventions, but these people are rarely recognized and celebrated. This is why we are urging you to vote for a personality who have been on the shores of investing in the SMEs for years and still counting.

Obafemi Saheed popularly known as (FS), the current deputy state secretary of All Progressive congress (APC) is truly doing an inspiring and fantastic job in the civic space.

It is obvious that Obafemi Saheed
deserves greater responsibilities in the political arena of this country especially in kosofe constituency, considering the milestone he has attained in the political arena within a short period of time, starting with the party as an active and loyal party member of Alliance for Democracy and now the current deputy state secretary of All Progressive congress (APC).

In our findings, we believed that Obafemi Saheed is a strong believer in the Nigerian project, as he has achieved remarkable feats in every responsibility undertaken by him or entrusted on him. Beyond all these he’s also acquire the following qualifications Bsc, MBA, Msc, Mcilrm, in his quest for knowledge.

Judging from his profile and his engagement lately, one can safely say, Obafemi possesses the qualities of a good leader. He combines exceptional intellect and vision with hard work and perseverance to achieve set goals.

He is, therefore, expected to bring his doggedness, forthrightness, candour and industry to our dear kosofe constituency and, indeed, Nigeria as a whole.

As a courageous professional, technocrat, and anti-corruption crusader, Obafemi Saheed will, no doubt, initiate policies and programmes aimed at the positive transformation of Kosofe constituency. He will also bring the needed succour to the citizenry if given the required political support by all and sundry.

He’s got the stronger weapons of honour, vision, sincerity, and competence, let’s support him!!!