Oba Kasali

The traditional ruler of Igbogbo Kingdom in Igbogbo/Bayeku Local Council Development Area (LCDA), His Royal Majesty, Oba Barr. Abdulsemiu Orimadegun Kasali, has called on the residents of the state to be calm and stay safe in their respective homes during the current situation in the State.
 Oba Kasali made the appeal in a statement issued to thank families, friends, well – wishers and associates for their birthday wishes and prayers for him on Tuesday, 20th October,2020.
 While commiserating with victims of the unfortunate incidents at the #EndSARS protests across the state, the royal father appealed to residents to stay safe by staying indoors in compliance with the curfew declared by the State government.
 “This is a dark day in our state and country. The military personnel could have handled the peaceful protesters better and more professional in Lagos. We have also heard of casualties in other parts of the state.
“Burning of public and private properties is equally condemnable and retrogressive. There is need for caution on the part of the people promoting anarchy and declaration of war in our State.”
 “Let’s be guided in our utterances and actions. We need to do everything to put this carnage going on under control, embrace peace, pray for our dear state and country”. 
The monarch also called on the governments at all levels to continue the engagement of the citizenry and ensure that their policies are pro –people.
 “Why we agreed that the government cannot fold its hands and watch some people unleash terror on our state, I also want to appeal to them to appeal to residents and adopt more engaging means of bringing lasting solutions to these unfortunate developments”.
 The royal father who condemned the attack on Oba Riliwan Akiolu’s palace in strong terms, also berated all the actors of the darstardly act for comitting such sacrilege. “Everybody that participated in the looting of the palace should not only return the loots but ask for forgiveness”
“Let me also use this medium to thank all the royal fathers, state functionaries, community leaders, youths, friends, associates and great people of Igbogbo kingdom that took out their time to wish me well on my birthday.
 “It is a great thing to have people celebrating with one and making you feel loved, but let’s also express love to other people across the state by being guided in our utterances and contributions to what is happening around us.
 “We should also pray and show sympathy to all the victims of the violence that has engulfed our state in the last few days. That is how to show love in this time.”